
Saturday, October 01, 2005

Greg Vs. Ganguly

Much discussed, much publicized duel but still these are my humble opinions...

This is a politically motivated, deliberately done deal, alright.

Some Indians including Ganguly have been so shortsighted. Why are they unable to see the weak side of a person? Is a person always strong? Physically or mentally? Yeah there is no doubt that he is a person of great caliber and has proved himself earlier. But not in the recent past. And who says that a person whoever has had a strong physical, mental and emotional health cannot get deranged?

Every man or woman on this earth goes thru all cycles irrespective of their celebrity status they might enjoy on a mundane level. I think, overall we Indians fail to understand this.

Next, Greg Chappell never had any inclination to publicize things or mar Ganguly’s name, but it is now clear just as Mr. Siddhu said in his interview with NDTV, that both Chappell and Ganguly had been used as pawns here by the totally unprofessional BCCI. They are power hungry mongers simply interested in their political ambitions and greed for power. Nothing less than that defines them. So they had proved themselves so cheap and mean by creating a controversy of sorts and practically benefiting by distracting people from the BCCI elections.

Another main thing is we Indians are just not used to criticism. Why couldn’t Ganguly have taken the report sent by Chappell in a positive way in such a way that gives him a chance to introspect and grow more mature? Why did he get so offended? Does he think he can never err? Why is he so immature to even think that he can never fail? Not knowing his own shortcomings is a definite weak point for a Captain. If he himself cannot afford to study and analyze his own attitude, how could he be a good captain to his team? The bottom line lies in the fact that Indians fail to discipline ourselves and when some outsider comes and advices us to be, we get so offended and are unable to take it in a positive way because we are short sighted.

And now unnecessarily our dear Bhajji is also paying a huge price for letting out his anger thru his words so unprofessionally! But thank God for the PCA which if not have intervened, things would have become ugly!


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