
Tuesday, October 04, 2005

A powerful way to end suffering on the planet

The world is heading towards a drinking water shortage. It takes 500 litres of water to produce 1 kg of potatoes, 600 for 1 kg of wheat, 2000 for 1 kg of rice, but 100,000 for 1 kg of beef. Livestock consume 80% of the world's water supply.

60 million people die of starvation each year. It takes 12 - 16 kilos of grain to produce 1 kilo of meat or milk. Livestock consumes 40 % of the total grain grown worldwide. A vegan needs 0.5 acres of land for sustenance, a non-vegetarian 30 times this amount! Starvation can literally be wiped out by wiping meat off our diets.

Our diminishing forests are seriously threatened by grazing animals. Large numbers of wild animals are killed each year to protect or to make room for grazing animals in our food chain. 260 million acres of virgin forest in the world are cleared for cropland to support a meat-centered diet.

Meat is energy intensive. The world's petroleum reserves would last for only 13 years if all humans were meat eaters but 260 years if all humans were vegetarian.

Animal husbandry and slaughter result in air, water and land pollution. The total increase in the number of animals killed for food in the world per year exceeds the total human population!

We are descendants of primates that are primarily fruitarian, and our anatomy is similar to theirs. There is ample evidence to show that a balanced, non-refined vegan diet is the best for our health.

Whether it is to improve our health, end global starvation, save wildlife, conserve water and energy or reduce pollution perhaps the greatest impact each individual can have is to reduce or stop animal products in their diet.

Gandhi said, "The greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be judged by the way its animals are treated." Oct 2nd, Gandhi's birthday is also celebrated internationally as World Farm Animals Day – a day to remember the torment that more than 50 billion farm animals undergo during their short lives before the slaughter every year.


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