Slim Formula – Time tested by me, on me…
Yeah first the criticisms and then the remedy for the most needed...Whatever size you are, doesn't really matter...Now check this magic formula.
- Eat only 75% of your requirement – which means, whenever you eat, just when you think your hunger is gone, stop the intake of food right there…You can start following this tip immediately but make sure you serve yourself small quantities to avoid wastages. Indulgence in food is accepted if it is only once or twice a week.
- Climb up staircases in office and at home at least 3 times a day, keeping away from the lift/escalator.
- Reduce the intake of processed food and fast foods. That would help reduce the bad fat accumulation in your body.
- Say ‘NO’ to carbonated drinks. Stock up on fruit juices and water.
- Drink 2.5 – 3 litres of fluids every day of which 2 litres must be water and the rest could be other fluids like juices or tea or coffee.
- First thing in the morning, after completing your nature calls, freshen up and do 1-2 full course of ‘Surya Namaskar or Sun Salutation’ following the breathing techniques, which is known to catalyze the weight reduction process. Other specific yogasanas or aerobics, could also be performed if the time permits.
- Have a glass of water after ten minutes of completion of the above exercise and then continue with a glass of warm lime juice with a spoon of honey. This not only flushes the toxins outside from your body but also helps to reduce your fat.
- You can alternate Amla (Indian Gooseberry) juice with lime juice too to double up the benefits.
- And finally, follow the ancient proverb "Eat breakfast like a king, lunch like a prince, and dinner like a pauper." as told by Adelle Davis (1904-1974), as much as possible.
This regimen if followed religiously, should see you get slimmer by each week, and help you have a glow on your face :) ...Good Luck and have a great start !